Daily Archives: 17/02/2019

Staying Fit and Healthy While Travelling

While taking a break from your exercise and healthy eating routine isn’t a bad thing on occasion, if you’re a frequent traveller you’ll find yourself needing to adapt if you want to keep your health at its peak. We’ve gathered some tips to help you be prepared for that next trip out of town.

Healthy snacks are a must!

Stocking up on healthy snacks is not only better for your wallet, but your health too. You’ll save money by not buying food at restaurants and cafes constantly, and keep yourself full to avoid binging at your next meal.

Things like fruit, nuts and trail mixes are great and easy things for you to snack on on your travels, whether you’re going on a long drive or on a plane for hours. Always keep water handy too, because hydration is important.and sometimes thirst can be mistaken for hunger. Your waistline will thank you!

Don’t over-indulge

You don’t have to deprive yourself of all the good stuff – after all, part of the fun of travelling is trying lots of new foods and drinks!

It’s important to be sensible, however, so don’t make every meal a big one. Look for lighter options on the menu, don’t go crazy on the carbs, share a dessert when you can, and make sure you’re not drinking to excess either.

You can still treat yourself without undoing all your hard work!

Plan an exercise routine that can be done anywhere

If your hotel doesn’t have a gym, don’t worry! You can still keep fit and get in a good workout wherever you might be.

If running or jogging is your thing, make sure you pack your joggers so you can get out and explore while keeping fit. You can also bring your yoga mat, skipping rope or resistance bands if you can fit them in your luggage.

Another option is looking up information about body weight workout plans; you can do things like jumping jacks, push-ups and burpees anywhere!

Holidays or work trips don’t have to mean skipping out on your workout routines and healthy eating. If you’re committed to your fitness and health goals, these simple tips will help you stay on track while still enjoying your travels. It’s also a good idea to do some research before you get to your destination, so you know about any good walking trails or exercise spots that you can explore, and any restaurants that have more health-conscious offerings to help you avoid temptation. It’s all about balance!